Deportation If Entered the U.S. with Parole After 2023

New policies are working to get everyone deported who entered the United States LEGALLY after January 2023. This article briefly outlines the actions you can expect from the new Department of Homeland Security is taking.
No More Parole
The Dept of Homeland Security, and immigration judges, now have the power to deport noncitizens wherever they are in the United States. Parole will not be renewed for thousands AND humanitarian parole status for the Colombians, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans who entered the country legally will be stopped. As those without parole are basically undocumented, these noncitizens are immediately subject to being arrested and deported.
If You Have Not Yet Filed Asylum
The new policies say that noncitizens who have filed asylum or “do so in a timely matter” will not be deported.
If you arrived in the United States less than one year ago, and you are afraid of returning to your home country, consider filing an EXTREMELY WELL-PREPARED asylum case immediately. The government is using artificial intelligence to choose weak cases and get those to interview quickly. Blandon Law attorneys have been fighting asylum cases for our clients for over 20 years. We have won cases that other attorneys have claimed were unwinnable.
If You are in Court
The Judge can terminate the case and Immigration & Customs Enforcement can detain you after a hearing. This means that the noncitizen loses their right to explain why they should legally be allowed to stay in the country.
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More than ever, immigration requires the knowledge, experience, and advanced care of trusted experts. If you or your friends need professional immigration help, call 954.385.0157 or click “For Future Clients” today today to schedule a talk with a Board-certified immigration lawyer.
Disclaimer – These entries are based on real life events. Family member names, when used, are real. Client names are changed for privacy.
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