5 Shocking Changes in Trump’s New Beginning

Over the next few months, immigration will be the subject of lawsuits and news articles. Blandon Law is here to be the voice of reason. Stay tuned to our blog and social media posts for what you need to know. And if you want to know what services we can provide to help you and your family, call 954.385.0157 to schedule a talk.
1. Executive Orders Are Fast and Powerful
Federal agencies – like Immigration & Customs Enforcement, Immigration Services, and Border Patrol — follow not only on laws, but also on regulations, rules and commands. When a president issues a command, it is known as an executive order. On his first day in office, President Trump signed 13 executive orders that immediately take effect on how foreigners are treated in the United States.
2. Noncitizens Can Be Deported Without Seeing a Judge
When a foreigner is caught near the border, they are usually returned without seeing the inside of an immigration courtroom. This is known as expedited removal. Now, under one of Trump’s new executive orders, immigration officers can use expedited removal INSIDE the United States, regardless of how long the noncitizen has lived in this country
3. The Undocumented Can Be Arrested by Local Police or Military
One of the executive orders expands detention facilities (jails) and commands the Dept. of Homeland Security to detain everyone while their case is in process. The order also provides for local police to serve as immigration enforcement, and for fines and punishment for US citizens and others who help the undocumented. Likewise, the military will be used to help with mass deportations especially along the southern border.
4. End of TPS and Parole = More Undocumented
Temporary Protected Status and parole, upon which hundreds of thousands of noncitizens have been living and working in the United States for decades, are now in jeopardy. The government will limit who gets work permits and who gets their TPS and parole status renewed. As TPS and parole end, these noncitizens will be out of status and undocumented. As stated above, they may then be detained. . . even by local police or the U.S. military.
5. Children Born in the United States are Not US Citizens
Unless the baby is from a biological mother or a biological father who is a US citizen or a legal permanent resident, children born in this country after February 20, 2025, are not US citizens. Almost half of the states have already filed lawsuits to stop this command, so expecting parents – especially same sex couples, those legally in the United States with visas, and those having children through artificial reproductive technology – should check to see what the Supreme Court eventually decides.
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More than ever, immigration help requires the expertise of trusted experts. If you or your friends need professional assistance, call 954.385.0157 or click “For Future Clients” today to schedule a talk.
Disclaimer – These entries are based on real life events. Family member names, when used, are real. Client names are changed for privacy.