How we communicate is part of the firm’s commitment to innovative legal services. Clients talk to us from the comfort of their homes or offices. If they want to see us, they can use a computer or smartphone. We can review documents within moments after a client sends them to us. In this manner, convenience and client service become the priority. Not only do we provide excellent legal skills but also we provide a safe and easy way for persons to hire an immigration attorney.
You can buy almost everything you need for your home online. You can get a doctor to write a prescription after an online consultation. You can even get an eye exam and buy eyeglasses without going into a store. Getting immigration help is just as easy.
Some of our clients prefer the safety of phone and Zoom meetings. Because they stay home, they avoid detention and arrest by immigration officers or the police. There is also no driving without a license.
For others, time really is money. These clients prefer not to waste a moment in traffic. When they are ready to discuss their immigration goals with Blandon Law, they pick up the phone and there we are. How we communicate with our European and African clients, for example, is a consultation after they have finished their work day. By contrast, persons on the West coast of the United States often schedule their consultations before starting their day.

What also makes Blandon Law truly special is how quickly we can provide and receive documents. Starting with the first contract, we send documents online. After the initial consultation, a person just needs to click a few times and then make the first payment, also online. They then join the exclusive group of Blandon Law clients.
How we communicate fast with each client is through the Client Portal. This is like an online office, where we give-and-take documents and messages. This includes applications, which do not need “wet” signatures. Our clients never ask whether we received a document because they can see all documents in the Client Portal. Our clients know the status of their case because that is also available in the Client Portal. Of course, we answer the phone 24/7 if anyone wants to call to get their status.