How Do I Get Work Permit with Biden’s Parole in Place?

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Thinking of the past and the uncertain future, there are days when I don’t smile at all. And then there are days of new beginnings, like June 18, 2024, when no one can wipe the silly grin from my face. That day President Biden announced protection from deportation, work permit, and a green card to undocumented husbands and wives of US citizens. Seventy percent of voters believe this is the right thing to do. In fact, many assume that spouses of US citizens automatically get a green card.

To get a work permit, the noncitizen spouse has to apply for parole-in-place. If the US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) approves that application, they can then apply for a work permit and legal permanent residency (green card). Most importantly, the family will be able to stay together. Right now, to get a green card they have to apply for Provisional Waiver which gives no guarantee that the foreigner will be able to return to their family in the U.S.

Am I Eligible for Biden’s Parole in Place?

Persons who have no status, came into the country before June 13, 2014 (whether across a border, by sea, or on plane), are married to a US citizen, and are not a national security threat can get Biden’s parole in place.  The children of the noncitizen spouse will also get parole-in-place. That said, the only way to know that you personally can get the Biden parole in place is to call a Blandon Law attorney today at 954.385.0157, schedule a consultation, and honestly discuss your criminal and immigration history with us.

If you cannot get this, we will tell you honestly. Avoid scammers and notaries who do not know the law.

What Documents Do I Send with Biden Parole Application?

Blandon Law attorneys will help clients organize evidence, prepare the application, and communicate with USCIS if they request more documents. To get the work permit and get legal status, foreign spouses have to organize documents that prove that they:

  • Have continuously resided in the United States since June 17, 2014;
  • Were physically present in the United States on June 17, 2024;
  • Have been legally married to a U.S. citizen as of June 17, 2024;
  • Entered the United States without admission or parole and do not currently hold any lawful immigrant or nonimmigrant status;
  • Have not been convicted of any disqualifying criminal offense;
  • Do not pose a threat to national security or public safety; and
  • Merit a favorable exercise of discretion.

Blandon Law has been helping mixed-status families stay together and get a green card for over 20 years. Call 954.385.0157 or click “For Future Clients” today to schedule an asylum consultation.

Disclaimer – These entries are based on real life events. Family member names, when used, are real. Client names are changed for privacy.

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