How Can I Pay Filing Fees? How Can I Pay for an Immigration Attorney?

Where there is a will, there is a way. Flying to see a friend who is often on our mind, before it is too late for one of you to take the trip. Staying on a runaway horse to the last possible moment, as I did, even as I was falling sideways off the saddle. Life requires willpower to accomplish the not-easy. It will never be the right time.
How Can I Pay Filing Fees? How Can I Pay for an Immigration Attorney?
This part of the blog, new beginnings, is about starting over especially when starting over is difficult. File an application with Immigration before the US sponsor changes their mind, divorces you. Or that final leaving, death. My parents came from Cuba with $200 in their name, given to them by the U.S. government because they were part of the Freedom Flights in the 1960s. So, I know that at times a decision needs to be made between eating meat or eating beans and rice.
Not everyone needs the best immigration attorney. There are non-profit agencies with agents, and new lawyers who learn about immigration law by taking a case for very little fee. Fortunately, those who do want a board-certified expert can afford Blandon Law because our legal fees are paid in installments, without interest rates or a need for a credit card.
How Much Does Blandon Law Cost? The Client Mostly Sets the Fee
During a consultation, the attorneys learn about the foreigner, their family members, and their experience with immigration. We also listen for the foreigner’s experience with other immigration lawyers, because we want your experience with us to be amazing. We want the client to be so happy that – for decades in the future, as happens with many of our clients – we are still getting referrals. “Do you remember Eric, your client from 2011? He said I should call you.” And yes, we usually do remember.
We even give foreigners control over how much they want to pay. For example, filing an I-360 VAWA or I-589 asylum application, with supporting documents, is our simplest service. The client can choose this for our lowest fee. If the client also wants us to communicate with prior attorneys, or with Immigration, or with them, after filing the application, those are additional services. The client decides to pay more. And then there are those fabulous clients who want to leave nothing to chance. They invest so that Blandon Law immigration attorneys represent them at the interviews and court hearings.
Disclaimer – These entries are based on real life events. Family member names, when used, are real. Client names are changed for privacy.