Two Surprising Facts About VAWA — Native Americans & LGBTQ
Foreigners can get green cards through the Violence Against Women Act, VAWA, if they are parents, spouses, or unmarried children (or stepchildren) of abusive US citizens or residents.
Struggling with the Green Card Process? Here’s How to Secure Your Residency
Learn how to get a Green Card through family sponsorship, asylum, TPS, or VAWA. Blandon Law has over 20 years of experience guiding clients to permanent residency. Call us today!
I-360 VAWA Abuse to Be Called Illegal?
VAWA protects noncitizens from abuse, even without physical harm. Learn how Blandon Law can help survivors of extreme cruelty get their green card. Blandon Law
How to Keep Work Permits for Parole of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, Venezuela
Learn about the seven types of emotional abuse that may qualify you for a VAWA green card. Blandon Law can help you navigate the process and protect your future. Contact us today.
I-360 VAWA: How Do I Cope With It All?
In early January 2019, I told my husband I was pregnant with our baby. He said that we had time and had to work on our relationship first. He wanted me to get an abortion and that was the worst for me, of all the things he did.
How Will 2024 Presidential Election Change Immigration?
Discover how the 2024 U.S. Presidential election could reshape immigration policies for millions of immigrants. Explore the potential outcomes if Trump or Harris wins and what it means for the future of work permits, DACA, and more.
Biden’s Parole in Place
Discover how President Biden's Parole in Place policy supports family unity by providing green cards to undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens, even amidst
For Biden’s Parole in Place, Do I Need a Lawyer?
Discover when you need a lawyer for Biden's Parole in Place. Understand the complexities of the process and why legal assistance is crucial, especially if you.
How Can I Get Deferred Action?
Learn how to obtain deferred action in the United States. Blandon Law assists clients in preparing compelling statements and evidence for USCIS, ensuring
What Should Venezuelans Say in Asylum?
Discover how Blandon Law helps Venezuelans asylum seekers win their cases with expertly crafted statements. Learn about Jose's story and how our meticulous
Can My Child Over 21 Years Old Get I-360 VAWA Green Card?
Discover how the Child Status Protection Act (CSPA) can impact your child's eligibility for a VAWA Green Card, even if they're over 21. Learn about the
Can I Get I-360 VAWA If My USC Husband Cheats on Me?
Discover the truth about I-360 VAWA eligibility when facing marital infidelity. Learn how survivors of emotional harm can seek justice and obtain a green card,
Can a Jewish Venezuelan Get Asylum?
Discover the pathway to asylum for Jewish Venezuelans fearing persecution. Uncover the legal nuances, from the impact of religious . Jewish Venezuelan Get Asylum
Can a Venezuelan Get TPS After Living in Colombia or Another Country?
Confused about Temporary Protected Status (TPS) eligibility for Venezuelans living in Colombia or another country? This comprehensive blog breaks down
Should I File I-821 TPS When I-589 Asylum Application Is Pending?
Considering filing an I-821 TPS application while your I-589 asylum application is pending? Absolutely. Learn why obtaining Temporary Protected Status (TPS)
Apply for Asylum and VAWA in Safety
USCIS is Not King of the Jungle; You Can Appeal. Apply for Asylum and VAWA in Safety. Foreigners should file for I-589 asylum or I-360 Violence Against Women.
Cubans and Venezuelans in Florida Should Become U.S. Citizens
Secure your future in the U.S. Act now! Blandon Law guides Cubans and Venezuelans residents through fast-track citizenship amid Florida's SB264 deadline.
Feal the Fear and File I-360 VAWA or I-589 Asylum Anyway
Discover the transformative path to immigration relief through I-360 VAWA. Don't let procrastination be a barrier to your safety and well-being. Take control of
Can I Get a B2 Visitor Extension of Status if I Work Remotely?
Remote workers can either leave the United States after a visit of six months or request an extension of B2 visitor status. Blandon Law became a mostly virtual
Can I Travel Internationally While VAWA I-360 is Pending?
Embarking on an African adventure, the post delves into challenges faced by VAWA I-360 is Pending Applicants, emphasizing the significance of navigating immigration rules for international travel.
Which State Has Fastest Green Card Approval?
Moving won't expedite green cards and work permits, although USCIS processing times vary by location. Choose your home based on personal factors. Green Card
Addresses on the I-360 VAWA Application
Survivors concealing VAWA Form I-360 details risk denial due to shame. Embrace honesty and self-compassion. Hug it out. If a friend came up to me, feeling
Asylum I-589 Application: Fraud, Lies, Memory Loss and Survival
Inconsistencies don't equal lack of credibility. Immigration Judges still deport asylum seekers based on minor discrepancies.
After the Abuse, Whether VAWA or Asylum
A survivor reinvents at a New England uni. Healing is also part of the VAWA and asylum processes.
VAWA: What Not To Tell Immigration
Pets bring comfort amid loneliness. We caution our VAWA survivors against using details of animal abuse in their statements.
Naturalization: Speak in Your New Home
Naturalization is a way to honor the women who fought for voting rights. Choose to vote and understand the consequences.
Asylum Among Strangers
The narrator struggles with an emotional barrier, feeling lonely and unable to prevent harm. She seeks acceptance and asylum, finding solace in nature and the kindness of strangers while reflecting on her immigrant background.